eBPF sensor

eBPF is a Linux superpower that makes it possible to run sandboxed programs within kernel space with limited resource consumption and unprecedented granularity.

As one of the earliest innovators to identify the potential of eBPF for observability, groundcover pioneers the reinvention of the space by adapting it to the APM domain to create a zero instrumentation, zero code change solution without compromising on security or efficiency.

Before With groundcover’s eBPF sensor
Before groundcover’s eBPF sensor
After groundcover’s eBPF sensor
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What is eBPF, anyways?

Before eBPF
With eBPF

What is eBPF,

Automatically capture granular insights from infrastructure to application performance

Instant deployment for full visibility over your entire environment

Minimal performance overhead, at any scale

Zero instrumentation,
no code changes

  • Frictionless deployment in minutes with a single command line

  • Zero code changes, zero implementation cycles, zero configurations

  • Repurpose team time to focus on application velocity & user satisfaction

consolidated visibility

  • End-to-end observability, in minutes, independent of your tech stack

  • Instantly view all data, including metrics, logs, and traces

  • Correlate all insights from infrastructure to application to troubleshoot 10x faster

Stream data processing

  • No sampling;  Ingest all data, all in real time, and never miss rare events again

  • Data is processed and captured inside the sensor to reduce raw data volume stored

  • Unlimited cardinality and data depth

Full trace payloads, including Body and Headers

  • Provide full context to speed up developer debugging

  • Quickly reach root cause of errors by inspecting specific payloads

  • Pinpoint slow queries and performance issues with detailed examples

Minimal footprint from monitoring

  • Zero effect on your application’s latency

  • Extremely robust for high-throughput environments

  • Minimal CPU & memory resources used, at any scale

Start Monitoring, Everything.

Deploy groundcover on your environment in minutes, or explore it on our data before lighting up your own cluster.